Sunday, December 21, 2014


The progressive era was a period of social activism and political reform. Muckrakers are reform mined journalists who exposed misconduct. One  muckraker was Lincoln Steffens,  his area of focus was mostly government and political corruption, some of his major works are, "Pitsbug is hell with the lid off", "The shame of the cities", "The Traito State", "The Struggle of self-Government", and "Autobiograph of Lincoln Steffens".

Next is Jane Addams, she was the most prominent advocate for the settlement house movement. Some of her most famous works are, "Twenty Years at Hull House",  and "Democracy and Social Ethics". 

Next is W. E. B Dubois his area of focus was civil rights. Some of his major works include "The Souls of Black Folks", "Black Reconstruction in America", "The Crisis"
Ray Stannard Baker is the next muckraker also known as David Grayson, he covered the Pullman strike, he wrote two autobiographies called "Native American"(1941), and "American Chronicle"(1945)
Lastly is George Creel, he was the president of the United states committee on public information, some of his famous books include, "Quatrains of Christ", "Children in Bondage", and "Irelands fight for Freedom"

Thanksgiving and Ameica

In life I have many things to be thankful for. One of the main things I am thankful for is my family, I am thankful for them because no matter how much we fight we always have each others backs. Family is very important to me, and I feel like it should be to everyone those are the people that have made you the person who you are today weather it is good or bad. My family is very close and I value that a lot because I know that not many families are like that. Something that I am thankful for in America is the fact that we have freedom. Its a very small thing but not all countries have it, some countries have absolutely no freedom, and others have too much. I feel like America has the perfect amount of freedom, we have just enough but not too much that we are a mess.
Me and My sister on thanksgiving last year

Monday, December 15, 2014

Spanish-American war cartoons

      The Spanish- American war was a war in 1898 between the United states and Spain. The results of the war was that the Americans and the Cubans pretty much won the war. The Cubans won the right to be an independent country away from Spain, and the US was now free to own Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico. Yellow journalism is a type of journalism that little or no legitimate well-researched news. Propaganda is information of misleading nature used to promote or embarrass a particular political cause or point of view.