Sunday, September 28, 2014

Native American Portrait

On December 23, Bigfoot and his followers headed south because they had a feeling that they where going to be hunted and killed. While they where headed south Bigfoot got sick and it slowed them down, December 28 the white soldiers found Bigfoot and his people. Bigfoot let his followers be taken away, except a guy named Black Coyote he put up a fight to not be taken away, and that's when one of the white soldiers fired an open unnamed fire and that's how the massacre started. Bigfoot was trying to get out of his bed when he got shot in the head, and after the massacre there was a really long blizzard, but when the white soldiers came back they found Bigfoot's body frozen sitting halfway p like he was ring to reach for something. 
After the massacre the white soldiers came back o bury everyone that they killed, when they buried the people they had one mass grave. There was 146 people buried in one grave, and out of the 350 Native Americans 250 died.

During the massacre the white soldiers had no mercy. They shot and killed everyone and everything in sight including babies, dogs and horses. 
The conditions on the reservations where not good at all. As you can see they didn't have real houses so it got very cold in the winter. They also got very little food to eat, they weren't treated very fair.

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