Sunday, December 21, 2014


The progressive era was a period of social activism and political reform. Muckrakers are reform mined journalists who exposed misconduct. One  muckraker was Lincoln Steffens,  his area of focus was mostly government and political corruption, some of his major works are, "Pitsbug is hell with the lid off", "The shame of the cities", "The Traito State", "The Struggle of self-Government", and "Autobiograph of Lincoln Steffens".

Next is Jane Addams, she was the most prominent advocate for the settlement house movement. Some of her most famous works are, "Twenty Years at Hull House",  and "Democracy and Social Ethics". 

Next is W. E. B Dubois his area of focus was civil rights. Some of his major works include "The Souls of Black Folks", "Black Reconstruction in America", "The Crisis"
Ray Stannard Baker is the next muckraker also known as David Grayson, he covered the Pullman strike, he wrote two autobiographies called "Native American"(1941), and "American Chronicle"(1945)
Lastly is George Creel, he was the president of the United states committee on public information, some of his famous books include, "Quatrains of Christ", "Children in Bondage", and "Irelands fight for Freedom"

Thanksgiving and Ameica

In life I have many things to be thankful for. One of the main things I am thankful for is my family, I am thankful for them because no matter how much we fight we always have each others backs. Family is very important to me, and I feel like it should be to everyone those are the people that have made you the person who you are today weather it is good or bad. My family is very close and I value that a lot because I know that not many families are like that. Something that I am thankful for in America is the fact that we have freedom. Its a very small thing but not all countries have it, some countries have absolutely no freedom, and others have too much. I feel like America has the perfect amount of freedom, we have just enough but not too much that we are a mess.
Me and My sister on thanksgiving last year

Monday, December 15, 2014

Spanish-American war cartoons

      The Spanish- American war was a war in 1898 between the United states and Spain. The results of the war was that the Americans and the Cubans pretty much won the war. The Cubans won the right to be an independent country away from Spain, and the US was now free to own Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico. Yellow journalism is a type of journalism that little or no legitimate well-researched news. Propaganda is information of misleading nature used to promote or embarrass a particular political cause or point of view.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Electoral Votes

1876- The Republican party, and it received 13 electoral votes
1880- The Republican party again, with 13 electoral votes
1884- The Republican party, with 14 electoral votes
1888- The Republican party, with 14 electoral votes

 For the most part all of New England votes for the same party, except for Connecticut, they voted for the opposite party every time.

2008- both candidates were part of the Democratic party, but Massachusetts voted for Hillary Clinton
2014- Massachusetts voted for the the Democratic party with 11 electoral votes

 I noticed that in earlier elections Massachusetts voted for the Republican party and now they mostly vote for the Democratic. Also I noticed that all of New England voted for the same party now. Lastly I noticed that all the states in the Us vote now, rather them before when it was just New England and the west mostly.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Oil Boom

 Oil was discovered in Texas by the Hamel brothers. Oil has a big impact on the way we live life today. A short term impact is that it made cars possible. If there was no oil then we wouldn't be able to drive around the way we do today. Henry Ford invented an assemble line to make it easier to create cars. In the assembly line each person had a job and they did the same thing all day. The long term impact oil had on the us is that it makes the us Mobil in ways they never were before, now we use oil for almost everything  because its a natural resource and its cheap.

 Did you know oil is used to make these products too?
- Dresses
- Cd players
- Purses
- Shoes
- Paint

Election Day

 Election day is always the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.It is always on a Tuesday because back then people had to travel far to get to the voting and it was not reasonable to have it on Monday because they did not start traveling until Sunday.

Election day is not determined by nothing other than that it is held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. Election day is on Tuesday because before people would have to travel far to vote. It is unreasonable to have it be on a Monday because people start traveling on Sunday and would not make it to the place in time. Election Day is a civic holiday in some states including Delaware, Hawaii, Kentucky, Montana, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, West Virginia, the territory of Puerto Rico

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Far and Away

During the 1890's industrialization started happening in the United States, factories started and people started building railroads. A lot of immigrants started moving to the United states, and had to live in the houses called tenet houses. In these houses lived many people, they were assigned a room with one bed, and sometimes with other families. In Ireland it was very unfair, in the movie the father didn't pay the rent and the person that owns the house burned it down. In the movie Shannon and Joseph move to the united states from Ireland, and have to work in factories and fight to make money.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Cities Blog

When the growth of cities started there were some good things and also some bad things that came along with them. One good thing is that when cities started the us was given a statue as a gift from France, but for us to get the statue it had to be shipped across seas in over 350 pieces. When they wanted to put up the statue they realized they didn't have enough money, so the nation came together as one to donate and raise enough money to be able to build the statue. Also the statue brought over 24 million new immigrants to America.In the process of city growth they realize that steel, the object used to hold up buildings was getting too expensive, so a guy named Andrew Carniky created a machine called the bessemer process which made steel. It saved a lot of money. Another things is that to build the buildings people were up really high on little thin beams, which was really dangerous. Lastly there was a stock market collapse.

Standing tall since 1875
the statue of liberty brings such a good vibe
she holds a torch to represent hope
you can go into the crown and see through a telescope
she stands still at 305 feet tall
and there's still no chance that she will fall
the statue is green but it didn't start like that
it was made from copper right up to the hat

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Native American Portrait

On December 23, Bigfoot and his followers headed south because they had a feeling that they where going to be hunted and killed. While they where headed south Bigfoot got sick and it slowed them down, December 28 the white soldiers found Bigfoot and his people. Bigfoot let his followers be taken away, except a guy named Black Coyote he put up a fight to not be taken away, and that's when one of the white soldiers fired an open unnamed fire and that's how the massacre started. Bigfoot was trying to get out of his bed when he got shot in the head, and after the massacre there was a really long blizzard, but when the white soldiers came back they found Bigfoot's body frozen sitting halfway p like he was ring to reach for something. 
After the massacre the white soldiers came back o bury everyone that they killed, when they buried the people they had one mass grave. There was 146 people buried in one grave, and out of the 350 Native Americans 250 died.

During the massacre the white soldiers had no mercy. They shot and killed everyone and everything in sight including babies, dogs and horses. 
The conditions on the reservations where not good at all. As you can see they didn't have real houses so it got very cold in the winter. They also got very little food to eat, they weren't treated very fair.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Naive American Name

In some traditions young native Americans would venture off on their own to find theirselves, after they would do that they would make up a new name for themselves to fit their own personal style. If I was to go off and rename myself I would probably name myself cheerful kangaroo. I would name myself that for many reasons, one of them being that I'm a cheerleader, I've been a cheerleader since I was 6 so pretty much all my life. So it makes sense that I'm cheerful. Another reason I would name myself that is because 90% the time I'm happy and positive. I came up with the kangaroo part because a kangaroo is my favorite animal, I find them so fascinating the way they stand, walk and especially the way they carry their babies, so it would be cool to be named after one. Also I am always jumping around and full of energy just like a kangaroo. Those are some of the many reasons why I chose the name I did.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Technology Then and Now

     Technology has come a long way. During the Civil War there was three invention of new technology, the telegram, the railroads, and the telephone. Now, we have so much more technology which has resulted in new and improved ways for people to get from one place to another and get in touch with people. We now have computers and internet which have improved telegram because we now can type an email and click one button, then the person with receive the email within a minute after sending it. Railroads have been improved by cars and airplanes. Cars now can get distance places in a reasonable amount of time, airplanes can get you long distances in short time by flying. The telephone has been improved by having small portable cell phones. Cell phones now offer services like texting, calling, browsing the internet, games for your enjoyment. Cell phones have helped a lot because we can just send short messages via text which is faster and easier than picking up the phone and calling. Also, they have GPS built in which help us with direction so we do not get lost. That is how new technology has changed earlier inventions.

Old Technology:

New Technology: